
Annotated resource list (Japanese)

AATJ Teaching & Classroom Resources
Screenshot of www.aatj.org
AATJ (American Association of Teachers of Japanese)が2020年3月からオンライン授業への移行に関したウェビナーなどを定期的に開催しています。ウェビナーの資料や録画動画などがみられます。
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 | ACTFL
Screenshot of www.actfl.org
ACTFLのProficiency Guidelinesです。それぞれのproficiency levelごとに日本語での四技能 (Speaking, Writing, Readng, Listnening)のサンプルがあります。
Facebook Group: Covid-19と日本語教育
Screenshot of www.facebook.com
全米の日本語の先生がCOVID-19の際に集まったFacebook Group. 850人程度の登録があり、いろいろ情報交換が行われています。主催者は、NYUの塙先生みたいです。
Genki – げんきな自習室
Screenshot of genki.japantimes.co.jp
Genki-Online Genki 3 (げんき3版 教師用ページ)
Screenshot of genki3.japantimes.co.jp
Grammar Videos for GenkiYoshie Kadowaki & Sayumi Suzuki / 門脇由江 & 鈴木紗弓 (University of Nevada, Reno)
Screenshot of grammarvideoforgenki.com
「Grammar Videos for Genki」は反転授業を目的とした、グラマーレッスンのビデオ教材です。使用料が、学生一人当たり1学期$1かかります。グラマーレッスンのビデオのクオリティーは素晴らしいですが、エクササイズはいろいろテクニカルな問題があり、ラボなどでの利用はできそうですが、オンライン授業で学生が一人でするには難しそうです。
Japanese Name Generator
Screenshot of japanese-name-generator.com
Japanese Teaching Ideas
Screenshot of japaneseteachingideas.weebly.com
Japanese teaching ideas, the website where Japanese Language teachers exchange resources including art and crafts, flashcards, games, lesson and unit plans, songs, videos, useful websites, worksheets on various topics.
JF みんなのCan-doサイト
Screenshot of jfstandard.jp
JF日本語教育スタンダード | JFS準拠 ロールプレイテスト
Screenshot of jfstandard.jp
KakimashouShon Ferguson
Screenshot of www.kakimashou.com
Learn KanaKazumi Hatasa & Yumiko Tashiro
Screenshot of tell.cla.purdue.edu
Musubi: A New Approach to Japanese Language and CultureTomoko Iwai, Emi Murayama, Miki Ogasawara, & Yuka Wada (University of Hawaii)
Screenshot of oer.hawaii.edu
University of Hawaiiで開発されたOERの日本語教科書です。Designed as a modular language learning course, this project will build on the existing first volume of Musubi: A New Approach to Japanese Language and Culture by creating a set of for use in the JPN 102 course. The collection of modules is part of a larger review and renewal of curriculum materials by the Japanese section of the Department of East Asian Language and Literatures.
Screenshot of www3.nhk.or.jp
NEWS WEB EASYは、小学生・中学生の皆さんや、日本に住んでいる外国人のみなさんに、わかりやすいことば でニュースを伝えるウェブサイトです。
NihongoDera - Furigana Maker
Screenshot of nihongodera.com
Make furigana for any Japanese word, phrase, sentence, or text. Add furigana (hiragana over kanji words) to any kanji. Helps when reading unknown or rare kanji words.
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals:SDGs) 副教材|日本ユニセフ協会
Screenshot of www.unicef.or.jp
UNICEFのSDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)をクラスのどのように導入するかの副教材サイトです。
Strategies for Learning Speech Acts in JapaneseNoriko Ishihara / 石原紀子 (Hosei University)
Screenshot of carla.umn.edu
スピーチアクト (apology, refusal, request etc.)ごとにまとめられた日本語練習ウェブサイト。
Uki Uki NihonGO!The Japan Society
Screenshot of www.youtube.com
ウキウキ Uki Uki - NihonGO + Culture Learn Japanese language and culture with Japan Society in a series of new fun and simple lessons! Be on the lookout for futu...
WebツールPlus ルビ振りひらがな変換
Screenshot of webtools-plus.jp
エリンが挑戦、にほんごできます。The Japan Foundation / 国際交流基金
Screenshot of www.erin.ne.jp
The Japan Foundationの「エリンが挑戦、にほんごできます。」ですが、Flashを使用しているため2020年7月末でウェブサイトは終了するそうです。
げんきな自習室The Japan Times
Screenshot of genki.japantimes.co.jp
「げんき」を出版しているThe Japan Timesが「げんき」の補助教育資料をまとめた物。「げんき」著者の坂野永理先生などが作った「げんき文型ビデオ集」は、それぞれのビデオは10-15秒くらいですが、文法事項ど導入する際に見せるだけでもかなり学生の興味が引けるようになっています。あと、最近、こことは別途に「スライド教材」(「げんき」に載っている練習のイメージスライド)や「げんき」の音声ファイルがhttps://genki.japantimes.co.jpで公開されています。
Screenshot of happylilac.net
Screenshot of www.hiragana.jp
Screenshot of jfstandard.jp
みんなの教材サイトThe Japan Foundation / 国際交流基金
Screenshot of minnanokyozai.jp
Screenshot of minnanokyozai.jp
Screenshot of nihongokyoshi-net.com
日本語文法の基本をマスターしよう | コツを学ぶ入門編
Screenshot of prowriters.jp
「日本語の文法の基礎を簡単におさらいしたい」「上手な文章を書けるようになりたい」というお悩みはありませんか?小学校や中学校で習ったとはいえ、大部分を忘れてしまった人がほとんどではないでしょうか。 そこでこの『日本語文法』では、日本語の文法で最初に理解しておきたい基礎知識をライターに向けてわかりやすくご紹介します。
東京外語大学言語モジュールTokyo University of Foreign Studies / 東京外国語大学
Screenshot of www.coelang.tufs.ac.jp
筑波大学 日本語・日本事情遠隔教育拠点The University of Tsukuba, The Center for Distance Learning of Japanese and Japanese Issues / 筑波大学 日本語・日本事情遠隔教育拠点
Screenshot of www.intersc.tsukuba.ac.jp
Screenshot of www.aozora.gr.jp
青空文庫は、インターネットさえあれば誰にでもアクセスできる〈青空〉をひとつの公開書架として、自由な電子本を集める活動です。この青空の書架(Open Air Shelf)には、自由に読め、自由に取り扱え、また自由に新たな作品やサービスを始められる、そのような〈生きた本〉が、ボランティアの皆さんの自発的な作業によって収められています。
いらすとや: かわいいフリー素材集
Screenshot of www.irasutoya.com
Screenshot of minnanokyozai.jp
Screenshot of www.yomujp.com
多読用の読み物教材が、JLPTの N2-N5の難易度別に公開されています。写真などを多用し、日本文化を多く取り入れている教材です。当面は無料公開とのことですが、有料化もありえるとのことでした。
Screenshot of bunkeibank.ninjal.ac.jp
日本語読解学習支援システムリーディング チュウ太筑波大学
Screenshot of chuta.cegloc.tsukuba.ac.jp
Screenshot of kanji.club
知らない漢字に遭遇して、入力の仕方も分からず「○○ 漢字」をググったことはありませんか?私もそれを何回か繰り返してからもっと良い方法はないかと考えました。その思いから生まれたのがこの漢字倶楽部です。漢字を構成する部品を入力すると、探している漢字が一発で出てきます。すぐに入力できるように一般的な読み方も表示します。
Screenshot of www.bunka.go.jp
Screenshot of mydrill.v3v.jp

Annotated resource list (for foreign languages)

AAPPL Communication BuilderAssssment
Screenshot of aapplcb.actfl.org
AAPPL Communication Builder facilitates opportunities to practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 | ACTFLAssessment
Screenshot of www.actfl.org
Welcome to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 online. Here you will find the most current version of the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines for Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading made interactive through the inclusion of glossed terms and multimedia exemplars. You can explore the Guidelines by skill or by level, listen to and read samples in English that represent abilities at each of the major proficiency levels.
Screenshot of airtable.com
Airtable works like a spreadsheet but gives you the power of a database to organize anything. Sign up for free.
Screenshot of www.ankiapp.com
AnkiApp is a flashcard app for iOS (iPhone + iPad), MacOS, and Android. Get flashcards on any topic. Tracks progress and syncs automatically.
Screenshot of stories.audible.com
Free stories for kids of all ages. Audible Stories is a free website where kids of all ages can listen to hundreds of Audible audio titles across six different languages—English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Japanese—for free, so they can keep learning, dreaming and just being kids.
BabbelSelf-paced language learning
Screenshot of www.babbel.com
Babbel is the new way to learn a foreign language. The comprehensive learning system combines effective education methods with state-of-the-art technology. Interactive online courses will improve your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation skills in no time. You'll make fast progress and have fun doing it.
BoomalangOnline language exchange (with native speakers)
Screenshot of www.boomalang.co
Bringing Languages to Life. Live video conversation with trained native Spanish, French and English speakers located across the world. Book your free demo!
BurstFree image search
Screenshot of burst.shopify.com
Browse thousands of beautiful copyright-free images. All our pictures are free to download for personal and commercial use, no attribution required.
BusuuSelf-paced language learning
Screenshot of www.busuu.com
Take Busuu with you and make use of any spare moments to keep learning. Queueing for a coffee? Waiting for a friend? Even on the journey to work - just download your lessons and learn with Offline Mode!
CampuswireOnline communication
Screenshot of campuswire.com
Q&A, discussions, office hours and active learning for college classes.
CC SearchFree image search
Screenshot of search.creativecommons.org
Empowering the world to share through 6 simple licenses + a global community of advocates for open.
Classroomscreenteaching language online
Screenshot of classroomscreen.com
Choose from over 10 widgets, like a timer, traffic light or work symbols.
Conversation ExchangeOnline language exchange (with native speakers)
Screenshot of www.conversationexchange.com
Through Conversation Exchange you can have three types of language exchange: face to face conversation by meeting up with native speakers, Correspondence (pen-pal), text and voice chat
ConversifiOnline language exchange (with native speakers)
Screenshot of www.conversifi.com
Conversifi connects foreign language learners with native speakers for on-demand virtual immersion sessions over video chat. We believe immersion, alongside formal instruction, is the best way to master another language and learn about another culture.
CUNY BlackboardOnline communication
Screenshot of www.cuny.edu
Blackboard course shells are automatically created for every CUNY course based on CUNYfirst data.
CUNY LibGuides: Fair Use and Copyright: WelcomeFree image search
Screenshot of guides.cuny.edu
DiscordOnline communication
Screenshot of discordapp.com
Step up your game with a modern voice & text chat app. Crystal clear voice, multiple server and channel support, mobile apps, and more.
DiscourseOnline communication
Screenshot of www.discourse.org
Discourse is modern forum software for your community. Use it as a mailing list, discussion forum, long-form chat room, and more!
DotstormingOnline polling
Screenshot of dotstorming.com
Real time brainstorming and dot voting
DropsSelf-paced language learning
Screenshot of languagedrops.com
Word by word, Drops helps you learn new vocabulary through fun, fast-paced games with simple mnemonic images in just 5 minutes a day.
DuolingoSelf-paced language learning
Screenshot of www.duolingo.com
With our free mobile app or web and a few minutes a day, everyone can Duolingo. Learn 30+ languages online with bite-size lessons based on science.
EdModInteractive lessons
Screenshot of www.edmodo.com
Edmodo brings everyone in the education community together to help learners succeed. We create technology, content and platforms that connect teachers, students and parents to each other and help all learners discover their passions and improve their skills.
EdpuzzleInteractive lessons
Screenshot of edpuzzle.com
Easily create beautiful interactive video lessons for your students you can integrate right into your LMS. Track students' progress with hassle-free analytics as you flip your classroom!
Screenshot of examsoft.com
ExamSoft provides clients with a unique selection of exam software tools, including rubrics, to improve student learning through embedded assessment.
Explain EverythingInteractive lessons
Screenshot of explaineverything.com
The online interactive whiteboard app where people share and learn without boundaries. Join from any device and collaborate in real-time both visually and audibly. Turn ideas into understanding with Explain Everything.
FlickrFree image search
Screenshot of www.flickr.com
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
FlipgridVideo presentation
Screenshot of info.flipgrid.com
Flipgrid empowers social learning in PreK to PhD classrooms around the world. Use video the way your students do.
Flipped class videos by University of Wisconsin Milwaukee -- UWM, Language Resource CenterFlipped class
Screenshot of www.youtube.com
Fipped class videos for Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, and Japnaese developed by UWM
FluentKey LiveInteractive lessons
Screenshot of fluentkey.com
Introducing our interactive classroom listening game. WHAT IS LIVE? FluentKey Live makes listening into an awesome class activity. The teacher displays a video on a projector while students race to answer comprehension questions on their own devices and compete for the highest score. It’s like Kahoot for language learning. But instead of just answering trivia […]
Foodiesfeed: Free food picturesFree image search
Screenshot of www.foodiesfeed.com
Download 2000+ food pictures ⋆ The best free food photos for commercial use ⋆ CC0 license
Google DocsOnline communication
Screenshot of docs.google.com
Google GroupsOnline communication
Screenshot of groups.google.com
Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations.
Google Hangouts MeetOnline communication
Screenshot of hangouts.google.com
Get started by calling or messaging a friend below.
Google ImagesFree image search
Screenshot of images.google.com
Google Images. The most comprehensive image search on the web.
Google Sheets (new document)Online communication
Screenshot of sheets.new
GoReactVideo presentation
Screenshot of get.goreact.com
GoReact is the #1 tool for teaching performance-based skills online. It's an interactive platform for feedback, grading, and critiquing of video assignments.
Groups.ioOnline communication
Screenshot of groups.io
A modern platform for serious communities. Powerful management tools. Mobile ready. No ads, no tracking.
Screenshot of issuu.com
Chosen by millions to easily convert content into high-quality visuals and multiple formats for distribution across web, social and devices.
italki: Learn a language onlineOnline language exchange (with native speakers)
Screenshot of www.italki.com
Choose from over 10,000 teachers for 1-on-1 lessons based on your goals and interests.
Kahoot!Interactive lessons
Screenshot of kahoot.com
Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that brings engagement and fun to 1+ billion players every year at school, at work, and at home. Sign up for free!
KamiInteractive lessons
Screenshot of www.kamiapp.com
Your Digital Classroom Hero
LINEOnline communication
Screenshot of line.me
LINE is a new communication app which allows you to make FREE voice calls and send FREE messages whenever and wherever you are, 24 hours a day!
LingQSelf-paced language learning
Screenshot of www.lingq.com
Learning Languages Online (English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, Swedish, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Greek, Finnish, Norwegian, Czech, Arabic, Hebrew, Turkish, Latin, Romanian, Esperanto, Ukrainian)
LingtSelf-paced language learning
Screenshot of www.lingt.com
Join 10,000+ schools who have used Lingt to create 150,000+ assignments. Improve students' fluency and oral proficiency by creating fun and engaging speaking assignments with Lingt's simple drag-and-drop editor.
LinguameetingOnline language exchange (with native speakers)
Screenshot of www.linguameeting.com
LinguaMeeting introduces a new way to enrich the foreign language classroom experience. Students can work outside of the classroom with a personal, native-speaker language coach in a real-time online learning environment. Instructors are supported by our coaches, who work as teaching assistants, helping them to implement more conversation into their curriculum.
Loom: Video Messaging for Workscreen casting
Screenshot of www.loom.com
Loom combines the expressiveness of video with the convenience of messaging, it’s a new, more effective way of communicating with co-workers and customers.
Mango LanguagesSelf-paced language learning
Screenshot of mangolanguages.com
Find out how our language learning software can help your or your school, library or business. Learn over 70 new languages with our conversation-based program.
MemriseSelf-paced language learning
Screenshot of www.memrise.com
Watch and learn real conversational language from native speakers. Get a personalised learning experience that gives you just the right level of challenge to keep you motivated. We use a variety of fun and proven memory techniques that will speed up your learning.
MentimeterOnline polling
Screenshot of www.mentimeter.com
Interact with your audience using real-time voting. No installations or downloads required - and it's free!
Mic Test (online microphone test)Equipment test
Screenshot of mictests.com
Test your microphone online to check if it is working properly and find out useful details about it
Microsoft TeamsOnline communication
Screenshot of teams.microsoft.com
MiroOnline communication
Screenshot of miro.com
Scalable, secure, cross-device and enterprise-ready team collaboration whiteboard for distributed teams. Join 5M+ users from around the world.
My Language ExchangeOnline language exchange (with native speakers)
Screenshot of www.mylanguageexchange.com
Language Learning Community for Safe Effective Practice
NearpodInteractive lessons
Screenshot of nearpod.com
Nearpod is an award-winning student engagement platform with ready-to-run interactive lessons for K-12 teachers. Explore interactive lessons and interactive technology for the classroom that students love.
Otter.aiVideo caption
Screenshot of otter.ai
Generate rich notes for meetings, interviews, lectures, and other important voice conversations with Otter, your AI-powered assistant.
PadletInteractive lessons
Screenshot of padlet.com
Padlet is the easiest way to create and collaborate in the world. From your hobby to your career, your class notes to your final exam, your mood board to your runway show, padlets help you organize your life.
Panoptoscreen casting
Screenshot of www.panopto.com
Panopto is the leading online video platform for businesses & universities. Easily create, host, search, share, and stream videos across your organization.
Pear DeckInteractive lessons
Screenshot of www.peardeck.com
Design Brilliant Lessons. Share Responses Anonymously. Achieve 100% Student Engagement. Pear Deck's powerful student engagement platform is loved by teachers and students around the world!
PerusallInteractive lessons
Screenshot of perusall.com
Automatically ensure every student is prepared for every class with the world's only truly social e-reader.
PiazzaOnline communication
Screenshot of piazza.com
With Piazza, easily answer questions, manage course materials, and track student participation. It'll save you time, and your students will love using it. It's free, and easy to get started.
Pigeonhole LiveOnline polling
Screenshot of pigeonholelive.com
Live Q&As, Real-Time Polls, Quizzes, and Surveys: The audience interaction tool for your virtual and in-person events and meetings. Sign up for free.
PixabayFree image search
Screenshot of pixabay.com
Over 1.8 million+ high quality stock images and videos shared by our talented community.
PlickersInteractive lessons
Screenshot of get.plickers.com
Plickers is the free card activity your students will love.
Poll CreatorOnline polling
Screenshot of www.poll-maker.com
Free poll creator lets you create easy polls with no signups and no restrictions.
Poll EverywhereOnline polling
Screenshot of www.polleverywhere.com
Energize online meetings and classes with Poll Everywhere. Add live audience response activities to presentations and watch engagement and comprehension soar.
Screenshot of www.proctoru.com
Online proctoring to advance your learning and testing program. Validate knowledge. Reduce costs. Expand access.
Quiateaching language online
Screenshot of www.quia.com
Create your own educational games, quizzes, surveys, and web pages. Search millions of games and quizzes created by educators around the world.
QuizizzInteractive lessons
Screenshot of quizizz.com
Find and create gamified quizzes, lessons, presentations, and flashcards for students, employees, and everyone else. Get started for free!
QuizletInteractive lessons
Screenshot of quizlet.com
Quizlet is an American online study application that allows students to study information via learning tools and games. It was created by Andrew Sutherland in October 2005 and released to the public in January 2007. Quizlet trains students via flashcards and various games and tests.
Screenshot of web.respondus.com
COVID-19 Response: Respondus is helping educators transition to remote learning. Learn More Solutions for K-12 Solutions for Higher Education Partnerships and SDK Who We Are... Read More
Rev.aiVideo caption
Screenshot of www.rev.ai
Rev.ai is the most accurate speech-to-text API on the market at only 3.5¢/min. Get your first transcript in minutes. Sign up for a free trial.
Rosetta StoneSelf-paced language learning
Screenshot of www.rosettastone.com
Rosetta Stone is the best way to learn a foreign language. The award-winning language solution combines proven learning methods with the world's best speech recognition technology.
SanakoOnline language exchange (with native speakers)
Screenshot of sanako.com
We believe there is real power in language skills – it helps people communicate to international audiences, and fosters a more open, trusting society. Being able to speak, operate, and find information in other languages than just one’s native language opens up a totally new world to individuals. This is why Sanako is on a mission to enable more freedom and power for individuals and organisations by helping language teachers across the world to teach languages better and more efficiently.
Screencastifyscreen casting
Screenshot of www.screencastify.com
Screencastify is the #1 free screen recorder for Chrome. No download required. Record, edit and share videos in seconds. Videos autosave to your Google Drive, and can be published directly to YouTube.
ScriptsLearn script
Screenshot of languagedrops.com
Stroke by stroke, Scripts helps you learn to write character-based languages with fun, immersive game-like lessons. Learn a new writing system for free.
Screenshot of web.seesaw.me
Seesaw - Student driven digital portfolios and simple parent communication. For iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, Chromebooks and Computers with Chrome or Firefox. Free for teachers!
SkypeOnline communication
Screenshot of www.skype.com
Stay in touch! Free online calls, messaging, affordable international calling to mobiles or landlines and instant online meetings on Skype.
SlackOnline communication
Screenshot of slack.com
Slack is where work flows. It's where the people you need, the information you share, and the tools you use come together to get things done.
StockSnap: Free Stock Photos (CC0)Free image search
Screenshot of stocksnap.io
The #1 source for beautiful free photos. High quality and high resolution stock images free from all copyright restrictions (CC0) - no attribution required.
Storyboard That
Screenshot of www.storyboardthat.com
Create storyboards with our free storyboard software! Filmmakers, teachers, students, & businesses all love using Storyboard That to create storyboards and comics online.
Take your teaching online
Screenshot of www.open.edu
A free MOOC course (by OpenLearn) about re-desinging your courses for the online delivery mode.
TalkAbroadOnline language exchange (with native speakers)
Screenshot of talkabroad.com
Conversation practice with native speakers
TechSmith Camtasiascreen casting
Screenshot of www.techsmith.com
Camtasia 2020 makes it simple to record and create professional-looking videos on Windows and Mac.
TechSmith Snagitscreen casting
Screenshot of www.techsmith.com
Screen capture and recording software for Windows and Mac. Quickly get images and videos. Start your free trial today!
TED-Ed - TedTalk EducationVideos
Screenshot of ed.ted.com
TED-Ed celebrates the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Discover hundreds of animated lessons, create customized lessons, and share your big ideas.
The Coffee Break AcademySelf-paced language learning
Screenshot of coffeebreakacademy.com
Make your downtime your "do" time and learn a new language on your coffee break
The MixxerOnline language exchange (with native speakers)
Screenshot of www.language-exchanges.org
The Mixxer is designed to connect language learners around the world so that everyone is both student and teacher. Signup for free to find a language partner. Help them practice your native language while they help you practice theirs.
TinychatVideo presentation
Screenshot of tinychat.com
Tinychat is easy and free web based group video chat rooms for everyone. Browse through the free video chat rooms to meet new friends, or instantly make your own free video chat room
Tour CreatorVideo presentation
Screenshot of arvr.google.com
Tour Creator makes it easy to build immersive, 360 tours right from your computer.
TwistOnline communication
Screenshot of twist.com
Twist makes team communication less chaotic. A Slack alternative that keeps teamwork organized, on-topic and easy to find (forever). From Doist, the makers of Todoist.
Unsplash: Beautiful Free Images & PicturesFree image search
Screenshot of unsplash.com
Beautiful, free images and photos that you can download and use for any project. Better than any royalty free or stock photos.
VoiceThreadVideo presentation
Screenshot of voicethread.com
Transforming media into collaborative spaces with video, voice, and text commenting.
Screenshot of l-www.voki.com
Speaking Characters For Education
Webcam TestEquipment test
Screenshot of webcamtests.com
Test your webcam online to check if it is working properly and find out useful information about it
Webcam Test OnlineEquipment test
Screenshot of webcammictest.com
WebcamMicTest.com - site for checking the webcam, microphone, and webcam with microphone. You can see his picture with the camera and take a picture, save the photo with her. Assess the quality of the sound from a microphone in your speakers or headphones.
WhatsAppOnline communication
Screenshot of www.whatsapp.com
WhatsApp Messenger: More than 2 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family, anytime and anywhere. WhatsApp is free and offers simple, secure, reliable messaging and calling, available on phones all over the world.
Wikimedia CommonsFree image search
Screenshot of commons.wikimedia.org
Screenshot of www.youtube.com
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
ZoomOnline communication
Screenshot of zoom.us
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a publicly traded company headquartered in San Jose, CA.
イラストACFree image search
Screenshot of www.ac-illust.com